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empathy & compassion

in a safe space. 

   Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced.                                                                                                          -James Baldwin

About Me

Because of Covid 19, I am currently doing sessions on videochat and by phone. 

About Me

CA licensed marriage & family therapist MFC32266



MA in Psychology Counseling, JFK University, 1989

MA in Sociology, Stanford University, 1985

BA in Sociology, Brandeis University, 1980

Continued training

Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis        Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training 2008-2010

Intensive study groups 2011 - 2017



I work with individuals and couples to help you find ways to live more fulfilling, satisfying lives. I believe that telling one’s story with someone who is emotionally present and is listening provides an opportunity to feel heard and seen, in new ways, by oneself and by another. Our relationship is the context in which we work to find where you're stuck, identify what's getting in your way, and discover ways you might do things differently.


As individuals and as couples, we often develop well-worn grooves that become familiar and comfortable even though they may be unhealthy and self-defeating.  We explore these familiar pathways to see what’s useful and what’s not. Our explorations of these patterns, your past and current experiences, and your inner voice can help you to make more conscious choices in your relationships and your life.


I work psychodynamically, which means that we consider how your history and early development have contributed to who you are and to what patterns have been established that may get in your way of living as fully and authentically as possible.  We consider the choices you have now, choices you didn’t necessarily have when you were younger, to do things differently.  

Individual Therapy

I see people for short and long term therapy, depending on their situations and needs.  Many people come to therapy because they are struggling with anxiety, mood problems (such as depression), or both.  I help folks explore the sources and impact of these feelings and help them contain and manage them.

One of the goals of therapy is to open up space in our minds and hearts so we can observe our perceptions  as our own rather than believe them to be an unchangeable reality.  Through psychotherapy, we can learn to stand back and see ourselves, others, and our world from a variety of angles.  In this way our work can create room for us to be in our experiences and to see ourselves at the same time.  

Couples Therapy

I help couples to identify, express, and address feelings, needs, and expectations; to manage conflict; and to parent and co-parent children, whether or not they are currently a couple. I work with polyamorous and consensually non-monogamous couples to support communication and address feelings as they navigate their way in their relationships. I work with couples struggling with sexual and financial issues to talk about what's happening, sort through emotions, and address and resolve stalemates. I see communication as the grease that keeps relationships running smoothly, and I help couples learn ways of improving communication. 



Grief and Loss
Anti-Racism Work
Parenting and Step-parenting

Grief work may address the loss of a person or a relationship as a result of a death or a break up; retiring or losing one’s job; aging or illness; choices and sacrifices one’s made; or loss within oneself of focus, passion, or a sense of meaning.  With the coronavirus, we are all experiencing significant losses, and it's a lot to process. I offer a place to talk about what's happening and to grieve losses.

I work with people of color around experiences of current and historical racism and the impact of such experiences on your heart, soul, and psyche. I work with white folks to acknowledge their white privilege and do the emotional work that leads to personal growth and social change.

After many years of working with children and adolescents, my work with families is now focused on supporting parents and caregivers to address issues of communication, limit-setting, family dynamics, and co-parenting.  I work with parents of neurodiverse kids; help families with sibling difficulties; work with divorcing, divorced, and single parents; and assist families launching teens and young adult children.

Work/Life Balance

Many people struggle to ‘keep all the balls in the air’ as they try to balance family, work, couple, and individual needs.  Our fast-paced culture can be stressful, and I work with folks to find ways to manage life and to enjoy it as well.


I work with people with ADHD to understand its impact, talk about feelings, and look for ways to manage organizational challenges, such as putting systems in place for accomplishing tasks. I help folks in relationship with people with attention issues to offer support and address interpersonal issues.


I work with queer, lesbian, gay, bi, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and trans individuals and couples. I'm mindful of sexual orientation and gender identity and how they impact relationships, family dynamics, and professional experiences.


In my work with adoptees, adoptive parents, and people who’ve placed children for adoption, we explore the meaning and consequences of your experience.  Whether you have specific issues related to adoption or you're seeking therapy for other issues, I hold in mind your history as we work together. 

Parenting Consultation

Parenting Consultation

I offer consultation in parenting children of all ages, from toddlerhood through young adulthood. I provide support and resources to help you address your child’s needs and to improve the dynamics in your relationship. Whether your child is neurotypical, neurodiverse, or dealing with other challenges, we work to help deepen your understanding of who they are, so you can be as present as possible for them and advocate for them in their world. 


We can address everyday challenges, including how you and your child handle misunderstandings, disappointments and frustrations, as well as more complicated behavioral and mental health concerns.


As in all relationships, communication is key in parent-child relationships. I work with you to improve communication between you and your child. I also support parents with how to talk with kids about rules and expectations, emotions, behavior, racism and white privilege, gender and sexuality, grief and loss, money and class, divorce, drugs and alcohol, and more. 


When needed, I can help you build a team of professionals to support your child and family. The team might include your child’s teachers and school staff, therapists, doctors, learning specialists and tutors, caregivers, and others. As we know, it takes a village to raise a child.


In addition, I help families cope with the challenges of COVID-19 – social isolation, remote learning, job changes and loss, illness and death, mood and anxiety issues, and more.


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